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Guest Post: I Can Get Paid to Read Books?

We all know reading is a good thing. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it makes you smarter. Not everyone is aware, however, that reading can make you money, too.

“I would love to get paid to read books! But I don’t have any experience! Where to begin?”

I’m going to share all the information you need to start proofreading professionally, so you can get paid to read books all day long.

What I’ll teach you:

1. How to do the job

2. How to get the jobs

Starting out in proofreading is one of those chicken and the egg situations. How do you get a proofreading job without knowing how to proofread? And how do you learn how to proofread without doing proofreading jobs? You can take all the classes you want and read every “how-to” book on the market, but the truth is, the best way to begin is to just begin. A boss I once had said, “the best way to learn is to do.”

While your first few jobs may not be the most prestigious or lucrative, they will allow you to create a serviceable pool of experience to put on your résumé. Keep a list of the jobs you complete as you build experience. The more experience you have, the easier it will be to get hired. Every job you take on will pave the way to another more exciting and well-paying gig.

Reach out: Get in Touch with Someone (in a Corona-approved Fashion)

You may have heard that everyone on Earth is separated from everyone else by no more than six relatives or friends. Take advantage of these six commas of separation through your immediate circle of associates. Networking through friends and family is a time-honored and non-threatening place to begin any experience-building adventure. Make contact with everyone listed in your Rolodex. Don’t dismiss anyone out of hand. You may be pleasantly surprised by who can help you.

When contacting your network, simply communicate that you are beginning your proofreading career.

If you have friends in business, you can proofread their brochures, business cards, correspondences, or even restaurant menus. A friend in school may need someone to look over a thesis or dissertation. Someone you know (or a “friend of a friend”) may even work in some sort of publishing job and will let you come in and trail them for a day. Or perhaps they will let you swing by and poke your head in on a project. Anything with words that relies on a system of grammar to communicate information can be proofread.

Let’s Get Loud!

Put it on blast, friend. You have to get the word out! If no one knows that you’ve decided to take on proofreading as a career change, no one will be able to help you. Post an update on Facebook. Build profiles for yourself on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and FlexJobs. Send emails. Apply, apply, apply! Don’t receive a response after your first message? Message again. It’s not rude; it’s standard business convention. People need to be gently prodded. And prodded.

Boo-Boo, Thy Name Is Internet

The Internet is an incredible resource for practice materials, offering two great benefits: instant access and anonymity. And because you can communicate with people online through written correspondence, it is a very comfortable way to start practicing the skill of approaching unfamiliar people.

Have you ever found an error on a website? (Only once every five minutes, it seems!) There’s your opportunity to reach out and land yourself a job. Reach out, say hello, politely point out the error, and offer to proofread the entire site at a discounted, COVID-friendly rate. You’ll be well on your way to earning income in your PJs. We go into depth on the steps to make this happen on the Paid To Proofread website, book and e-course.

As you build experience, you can build referrals, which leads to more work and more joy for your brain and your wallet.

There you have it: three simple steps to get you going fast down the road of proofreading, whether towards a successful career, easy side-gig, or gainful hobby.

We encourage you to visit , where you can download the book's introduction, complimentary.

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