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2021 Reading Resolutions: 5 Books To Add To Your TBR Pile Now!


I was inspired by many book bloggers to write this post for myself. This will include all my 2021 reading resolutions and 5 books suggestions to start of with. I think it’ll be fun at the end of the year to see how far I’ve strayed from them, as I usually do with any kind of resolution.

For the last few years, my reading resolutions have been to read a lot.

While I’ve enjoyed flying through books at a fast pace (a fast pace for me, that is), it has often felt pretty stressful. I’m a naturally quick reader. I also enjoy to analyse what I’m reading. I like looking at themes, characters, moral messages and how the author weaves everything together. Plus, I’m a writer so I also like to observe writing style and take note of what works and what doesn’t. However, reading so inconsistently as I have for the last couple of years hasn’t allowed me the time or space to do that. So for 2021, my resolution is to read consistently.

Read Consistently

Reading will still be a priority for me this year, but I want it to feel more like a hobby than a necessary part of my day.

Read To Write

Another goal of mine in 2021 is to write a lot more. While I’m reading, I really want to be aware of the writing style in each book I read to find what inspires me.

Read Books I Want To Read

For the last few years, I’ve been so relaxed about which books I pick up. I’ll usually just reach for whatever is closest on my shelf or randomly choose one from my Goodreads TBR shelf. No more!

Review Popular Books

Over the years, I take the effort to review books for which I have received request and mention other books (mostly popular ones) in the book lists or on instagram @booksrandb. Going forward, i'm going to write about every book that bought joy to me, even if it has received maximum publicity.

Get Over The Fact that I Like Kindle

Even though, I desperately miss the smell, the feel, the scribbling in of real books. I have come to a realization that my Kindle is convenient, cost effective and minimalist and this is what I need.

Anyway, that’s my 2021 reading resolutions! I challenge you to make a blog post about yours, and don’t forget to share it with me so I can read.

But, before that, here my new year's gift to you! Some book suggestions to get you and me started. No, this is not sponsored and no, I haven't read them. I've read their summaries and have seen them suggested multiple times. These are some old releases and relatively new ones, but ones that I'm sure we'll all definitely enjoy.

Pick these up from your favorite stores and start reading or don't, I cant tell you what to do! Do let me know if you have a list too!

I wish you the best 2021 ever!

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