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Requiem, Changing Times by RJ Parker

Genre: Fantasy | Pages: 306

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Book Intro by RJ Parker:

Clint and Corbin are having a weird day. Best friends for life, things are getting a little strange around their town, and at school. When they're followed by a strange man looking for Clint and later attacked by an imp, it makes sense to retreat to the safety of home. But when strangers from another world, Banks and O'Neil, arrive with their medley of allies, things get even weirder. Why are they here? What do they want? And what is The Requiem that everyone keeps talking about? As Clint and his friends and family are drawn deeper into a thrilling adventure, only one thing is for sure. They may not be getting out alive. And class with Mrs Christenson will seem like a walk in the park after this.

My Review:

The story revolves around the protagonist Clint Holden, a boy who tends to get into a lot of trouble at school. The story reflects his relationship with his friend and siblings while experiencing supernatural activities. Being the chosen boy for a mysterious life from a portal that helps shift between timelines is not an easy thing. But, Clint learns to devour the life of adventure and enjoy the exhilarating feeling that comes with it. At every turn and twist in the book he finds himself slipping away and the author has managed to place one cliff hanger after another that keeps the readers hooked. He tries to find that balance between his personal life and the challenging life that lies before him.But when a events strike her where it matters the most, he is left floundering. Now, he has no other choice but to face his power and risk it all or else he will lose everything he fought for.

Parker manages to keep his readers hooked and engaged throughout the book and shares funny and exciting banter that makes the book furthermore entertaining. The characters in this book are unique in its own way and is very well thought out. The characters, the twists and turns in the story, the plots and the conversational writing is truly spectacular. I’ll be interested in seeing where the series goes from here, and what Clint does win the sequel series. Great story, good drama, the characters are very well written. All in all a great book, not as action packed as I expected but the story makes up for this. I think we all read for some type of enjoyment. What evokes that enjoyment varies from reader to reader, but I still find excitement within these pages. To me, that is the mark of a fantastic book and I look forward to see what he has to bring to the table next.

About the Author:

Russell Parker was born in Bountiful, Utah. As his father was safety manager he had to move around until his senior year of high school, when he came to Cache Valley, Utah to stay. He married the most wonderful woman in the world and they are the parents of four fantastic kids, with one crazy dog. Russell played all kinds of sports and was an outdoorsman until an accident brought him to writing. A writer since high school, encouragement brought his stories to life.

The book is available in both online and offline stores.

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