Genre: Travel Books | Pages: 362
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Synopsis by Anmol Batra:
When a young corporate, Swati receives a set of envelopes at her office table, she is shocked by its contents. Each envelope has a date and time of its opening written on it. Also, each envelope has a warning message scribbled on it.
“Please open this envelope at the time mentioned below your name.”
She ignores, tears the first envelope and pulls out the page inside it. She uncovers a thick drawing sheet scratched in the middle with pencil; a hand-written line in the centre of the sheet.“I requested that you open the envelope at 12:30 PM. Envelopes not opened on time will lose their contents. The time right now is 09:00:25 AM”. Swati checks her wristwatch and exhales sharply; her wristwatch ticks round to 9:00:25, accurate to the very second. Who sent her those envelopes? What exactly does he or she wants if he doesn’t want Swati to know the future before hand?
---------------------- A Soul is nothing but an energy with a conscious. A wave that can move across space, time and matter. The wave that your mind finally releases when you die. But a few gifted ones have the ability to leave the shackles of mind and return to physical self at will.
What if I told you that there are people on this planet that can leave their body and travel the universe as a soul, they can travel both forward and backward in time.Some manipulate the world for their own selfish interest & a few devour themselves with the responsibility to harmonize and protect the world. The question is, are you sure such people don’t exist?
My review
Brimming with characters, concepts and ideas that challenge the readers imaginative power, the novel – Time Guard: The Awakening has various genres combined to provide a single representation of a wonderful concept.
The story is run parallely between 3 leads Swati, Zaffar and Arjun in present day India and Pakistan whose lives intertwine to unveil new developments. A lot of events described in this book is a bold attempt to the abstract details of a big idea by Anmol and it doesn't go noticed.The rest of the time he writes about a life that staggers on the edge. He produces an Astral time traveling idea as opposed to the entire body like in the time travellers wife and is something to read about. This novel so marvelously encouraged: the chance to use our imagination. That’s the positive of any science-fiction concepts where the most evocative descriptions with concrete images are painted vividly. The author tries to end the book with a cliff hanger, which was a bit of a hit and a miss. He took a quantum leap forward in providing visuals that helped paint a clear picture without being a drag. Plus, for the number of pages, the book was surprisingly quick without missing a beat on the flow of the story-line. An added excitement to this was combination of sci-fi/mythology, thriller and time travel amongst other things. Keep your expectations in check, and you will be amazed.
Despite such bold choices with the concepts as a time traveler weaving mythological and current day politics, there is a missing emotional connection and trowel over huge plot holes.
It all adds up to one good time-travel novel since a while that has seized something wonderful. The closer you get to understanding, the more mysterious it becomes. He has written a deeply conceptualized book.
I liked it for the ideas and for the characters but not for the plotting. Nevertheless, I look forward to read the sequel hoping to find some answers.
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